Saturday, November 29, 2014

Help Wanted!

I am looking for parent volunteers who are available Friday after school and during school on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays.

On Fridays I need someone who can clean the desks and chairs.
On Tuesdays and/or Thursdays I'd love someone who could read with the students.

Please let me know if you are available to volunteer any of these days.

In Our Class This Week...

I hope you all enjoyed this week off and had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! Time to get back to work before our next mini vacation. I am looking forward to these next few weeks as they will be filled with many fun activities.

Upcoming REACH dates:

12/5 End of 1st Trimester
12/8 PTO Meeting
12/10 Wacky Wednesday, Hour of Coding (more information to follow -volunteers will be needed) and Coffee with the Director @ 8:30am
12/12 Family Friday Lunch and Trimester 1 report cards go home
12/18 Award Assembly @ 8am and Holiday Performance @ 2pm
12/19 Vision and Hearing Test

Look into Our Week

Language Arts:
Unit 2 Week 5: "A Bed for Winter"

Weekly comprehension: Sequence

Continue with Chapter 6: Numbers 0-20
Students will be able to read and write from 10-12
Students will be able to read and write from 13-16
Students will be able to read and write from 17-20
Students will be able to compare groups of up to 20 objects

Chapter 6 Test on Friday

Social Studies/ Leadership:
Winter Holidays
This week students will learn about Hanukkah

Leadership - Resilience: What is resilience?

Animals in Winter

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

What To Do Before, During and After Reading

Here is a great resource for what to do before, during and after you read with your child. These are great techniques to help with comprehension.

Winter Performance

Our Winter Performance will be on Thursday, December 18th at 2pm in the Sanctuary.

We will be performing two songs: Run Rudolph Run and Santa Claus is Coming to Town. We have been practicing in class but PLEASE practice with your student as often as possible.

The links below have the words to the music:

Thank you and enjoy your Thanksgiving Break!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


I wanted to thank everyone for their donations to our Thanksgiving Feast. The parents did an AMAZING job decorating, setting up and serving all 4 classes! THANK YOU so much for making this event possible and special.

If you attended and took pictures please don't forget to post them on our Shutterfly page.

It was a crazy week with lots of crafts and unfortunately not all students were able to complete their turkey hats so I sent home the supplies needed to complete their hats (brown "headband", 4 feathers, eyes, etc.). Here is a picture of what the hats are supposed to look like when finished.

I am so thankful that I get to share my day with your children, thank you for entrusting me with them day in and day out!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

In Our Class This Week...

We are approaching the end of another month for us at REACH. This next week will only have three days, but we still have so much to do! Here are some important dates to keep in mind for this short upcoming week:

Wednesday 11/19 and Thursday 11/20 Parent-teacher conferences
Reminders about your time and date were sent home on Thursday.

Tuesday 11/18:
Art with Mr. Ruben (we are still in need of two volunteers who can help assist Mr. Ruben from 12pm to 2pm).

Wednesday 11/19:
November award assembly @ 8 am
Emergency Drill (please talk to your child about listening to their teacher and lining up quickly. Also, please remind them that this is only a DRILL - we are just practicing staying safe in case of a real emergency).
Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast from 10:15-12:00

THANK YOU to all those families that have signed up to bring in items on this day.  We are still missing our main food dishes (chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes), if you would like to sign up for these or any other item(s) you may be able to donate to the class please stop by our classroom to sign up, or send me an email. Once again, thank you for all the donated items, special fun activities could not be accomplished without your help and support!                  

Our Week

Language Arts:
As a Kindergarten team we decided it would be best to begin a new week in our Language Arts curriculum when we come back from Thanksgiving break.
In our class, during our Language Arts block, we will be learning about the first Thanksgiving along with making some different hats to represent the people present that day.

Chapter 6-Numbers 0-10
Count from 0-10
Write numbers from 0-10
Represent numbers 0-10

Chapter 6 Test: Objects
Making Butter

Social Studies:
Unit 6 Lesson 1: What is a holiday?
Students will be able to describe the meaning of a holiday.

Service: Gratitude and giving back

The Kindergarten team will be sending home a homework packet on Monday 11/17 to be due back Monday 12/1. 

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please feel to email me or stop by the classroom.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

In Our Class This Week...

Here are some important school dates to keep in mind this month:

11/11  NO SCHOOL Veteran's Day
11/12  Coffee with director @ 8am
11/14  Family Lunch Friday- Kindergarten lunch @ 11am
11/19  Awards assembly for the month of November @ 8am
11/20 - 11/21  NO SCHOOL Parent-teacher Conferences and Staff Development
11/25 - 11/28  NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break

Classroom Dates: (please make sure your child is present on these day for some fun/educational activities)

11/12  Kaiser Literacy Assembly @ 8:30am
11/13  4th grade Reading Buddies 


Language Arts:
Unit 2 Week 4 -"Bear Snores On"

Weekly comprehension: realism and fantasy

Finish Chapter 5 
Students will understand the concept of same-sized
TEST on 11/13
Students will be able to describe size and position of objects.

Objects and their composition

Social Studies:
Unit 5 Lesson 1 - How can we show time?
Months of the year, days of the week

Service: Military

Disguise a Turkey project

Due: 11/12/14

Examples of completed projects

Cant wait to see what our class comes up with, have FUN!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

In Our Class This Week...

Can you believe another month has come and gone?! This school year seems to be flying by, but I hope your kiddos are enjoying their Kindergarten year at REACH! I wanted to say THANK YOU to all those families that donated items towards our class party and also to those that donated their time. If you would like to help out more in the classroom please let me know and we can set up a time and date. I truly enjoy the help!

Classroom News:
No School Tuesday 11/4 and 11/11

No School Thursday 11/20 for parent teacher conferences and Friday 11/21 for staff development
No School 11/24 to 11/28 for Thanksgiving Break

Parent teacher conferences: I will be sending home more information soon about parent teacher conferences. Those parents that return their forms first will have priority (towards the time slot they choose).

School Updates:

Our Week

Language Arts:
Unit 2-Week 3: "Animal Babies"
Comprehension exam: Main idea

Chapter 5
Students will understand the concept of same-size
Students will explore the idea that only a few big objects fit into small spaces and many small objects fit into big spaces
Students will identify positions of objects
Students will use language such as before and after to describe relative positions in sequence of events

Objects and their composition

Social Studies:
Voting Day and Veterans Day

How we serve others

Classroom Shutterfly page:
Please feel free to upload any pictures you have taken of our kiddos

As always, please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns or stop by the classroom.