Progress reports for the first trimester will be going home tomorrow. Check your child's homework folder please. Sign and return to me no later than Friday, October 23rd. If you have any questions please feel free to email me.
Here is our grading scale:
Advance (A) 90-100%
Proficient (P)75-89%
Basic (B) 65-74%
Below Basic (BB) 50-64%
Far Below Basic (FBB) 0-49%
With the first month of school done, more parents have been asking about volunteering in the classroom. REACH allows parents to work with students for 3 days, after this they need to be finger printed. More information can be found in the office. The following would be the best times for parents to come in and help (working with students in small groups).
If you would like to help on any day, please let me know at least one day in advance.
Math: 9:30-10:30
Writing & Centers: 1:15-2:15
Math & Centers: 9:30-10:45
Math: 9:30-10:30
Writing & Centers: 1:15-2:15
**I also still need someone to clean the desks on Fridays and check homework on Mondays
Our first family project: Pumpkin book report. The reports will be due October 29th and presentations will occur the following day. Feel free to get as creative as you would like! If you have a hard time obtaining a pumpkin please talk to me. Also, a parent asked if they could use a fake pumpkin, YES! Feel free to use a real or fake pumpkin (do what is easiest for you and your family).
Here are some great ideas I found online.
Some important dates to keep in mind:
10/28 Wacky Wednesday-Monster Slime
Parent volunteers needed
Donation supplies list
Sign up list will be on our door
Elmers glue
Silver glitter
Sandwich bags
*Thank you in advance for the donations
10/26-10/29 RED RIBBON WEEK
10/29 Awards @8 am (students receiving awards will get a note home)
10/30 Fall Classroom Party and Fall Festival @ 12:45pm
Here is a look into our new week
Language Arts:
Story: Unit 2 Week 1 "Flowers"
Comprehension Test Friday: Compare and Contrast
Students will continue to write to tell a story and build their stamina
Adding details
Drawings from different points of view
Adding speech bubbles
Using resources found around the room
Chapter 4: Counting and numbers 0-10Counting and ordering up to 10Using fingers and toes to count onLess than (-1), same, more than (+1)
Social Studies:
Halloween around the world
Leadership: Safety with products and medicine
Please feel free to email me or stop by with any questions or concerns.