Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thank you!

Thank you to all the families who came to support REACH yesterday during our Meet the Teacher event. It was so wonderful getting to meet you all and it has made me even more excited for this new school year. 

Please remember to sign up for Remind as soon as you can and if you can come help in the classroom Thursday, August 28th from 8am to 12pm and Friday, August 29th 8am to 11:30am and 1pm to 4pm. 

Enjoy your last weekend of summer :)

Monday, August 18, 2014

Meet the Teacher

I am getting so excited for the new school year! I have been working in my very large classroom and I cannot wait for our first day of school- September 2nd will be here before we know it! 

Just a reminder that Meet the Teacher is Tuesday, August 26th from 3pm to 6pm. Make sure you stop by to participate in all the fun that REACH has planned- get your classroom assignment, tour the new campus, order uniforms, and meet the teachers! 

I look forward to meeting you all!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Kindergarten Donation List

Kindergarten Donation List
Mrs. Juarez - Mrs. Schissler - Ms. Maciel - Mrs. Contreras

We would greatly appreciate any supplies you would like to donate to our classes. It is not mandatory to donate any of these items, but anything you are able to donate will be helpful! Thank You!

Large pencils (You can find at CM Supply, Lakeshore, or Staples)
Clorox wipes
Dry erase markers (Target Up and Up brand work best and last longer)
Large erasers (please no pencil top erasers)
Construction paper
Glue sticks
Elmer's glue
Ziploc bags- gallon size and quart size
Baby wipes
Reams of copy paper
Painters tape
Command hooks (any size)

All supplies will be used in community, therefore, if there are any items your student has that are special, please leave at home.