Thursday, February 15, 2018

Dr. Seuss Week...

Dr. Seuss Dress Up Days for the Week of 2/26 to 3/2

Monday, February 12, 2018

In Our Class This Week...


Please be sure to check your child's backpack evEryday to clean it out and look at important papers.

Many parents have asked if our class is in need of any items. Here are some items our class can use as our supplies begin to run low:
Glue Sticks
Kleenex (we are COMPLETELY OUT)
Clorax Wipes (we are COMPLETELY OUT)

Be sure to check out our Shutterfly page for our latest classroom pictures. If you would like access, please email me for a special invite.

Don't forget to use SMARTYPANTS at home. This new, fun reading program can be accessed at home. All students received their log in information last month. If you have any question, let me know.

If you have any question or concerns please feel free to email me, text back to the reminders I set or stop by the classroom.

School News:
February Family Project Due 2/13
Here are some examples below:

2/12 100th Day of School
Students can dress up like 100 year olds!
We are still in need of 2500 stickers and 100 large solo cups. Check our Shutterfly page to sign up for donations.
This is a fun filled day for Kinder!

2/14 Valentines Day
Classroom celebration.
We now have 26 students in our class. 
Valentines should to be addressed "To My Friend. Love, ..."

2/15 Mrs. Juarez's Last Day

2/16 & 2/19 NO SCHOOL

2/22 February Awards @ 8am in the MPR
Those students receiving awards were notified on 2/7/18.

3/2: Read Across America Day aka Dr. Seuss Day
Pajama dress up day!

Here is a look into our week
Songs to practice at home:

Language Arts: Unit 4 Week 3
CVC reading rest
5 points: read entire word with out sounding it out "cat"
4 points: sounds out word then reads it /c/ /a/ /t/..."cat"
3 points: sounds out words unable to read word correctly or at all /c/ /a/ /t/ 
2 points: only 2 sound produced /c/ /a/
1 point: only 1 point produced /c/
0 points: no sounds produced

Theme: Video Games/Coding
Story of the week: Have Fun Molly Lou Melon
Poem of the week: "100th day of School"
Letter(s) of the week: Blends- L, R, T, P
Songs of the week for blends

Weekly reading comprehension test: Every Friday (Based on the comprehension skill of the week)
Song we review in class: Parts of a Story song
This week's focus: Sequence

High Frequency Words (HFW: Same set of words last for two weeks. These words are meant to be read just by "seeing" them)
This week's words: one, two, three, four, five

Math: Unit 9 Comparing Numbers to 10
Students will be able to identify 1 more and 1 less, state how many more and how many less, and compare numbers to 10. 

Science: Coding
Students will be able to describe what coding is. 

Social Studies: Computer Science
Students will be able to describe what computer science is.

Writing: The Handwriting House
Review writing house and lines
Practice writing a WHO and WHAT sentence

Practice pages to use at home
    Please feel free to stop by with any questions or concerns. If you are unable to, you may always email me or text back via my reminders.
Be sure to check grades online. Parents were given access to teacher grade books. I try to update my grade book every weekend.

Thank you, 
Mrs. Juarez

Monday, February 5, 2018

In Our Class This Week...

Please be sure to check your child's backpack everyday to clean it out and look at important papers.

Many parents have asked if our class is in need of any items. Here are some items our class can use as our supplies begin to run low:
Glue Sticks

Be sure to check out our Shutterfly page for our latest classroom pictures. If you would like access, please email me for a special invite.

Don't forget to use SMARTYPANTS at home. This new, fun reading program can be accessed at home. All students received their log in information last month. If you have any question, let me know.

If you have any question or concerns please feel free to email me, text back to the reminders I set or stop by the classroom.

School News:
February Family Project Due 2/13
Here are some examples below:

2/7 Day of Play
Student may bring in toys/games to play all day long.
Students may wear pajamas or dress up clothes (no masks).
Student may bring in items in a backpack, bag or box.
Please label toys so there is no confusion when we clean up!
Please do not send any electronics!

2/12 100th Day of School
Students can dress up like 100 year olds!
We are still in need of 2500 stickers and 100 large solo cups. Check our Shutterfly page to sign up for donations.
This is a fun filled day for Kinder!

2/14 Valentines Day
Classroom celebration.
We now have 26 students in our class. 
Valentines should to be addressed "To My Friend. Love, ..."

2/15 Mrs. Juarez's Last Day

2/16 & 2/19 NO SCHOOL

2/22 February Awards @ 8am in the MPR

3/2: Read Across America Day aka Dr. Seuss Day
Pajama dress up day

Here is a look into our week
Songs to practice at home:

Language Arts: Unit 4 Week 2
Theme: Video Games/Coding
Story of the week: "Stuck"
Poem of the week: "Video Games"
Letter(s) of the week: Ll
Songs of the week for the letter(s) Ll
ABC mouse-L
Have Fun Teaching-L
Blends song

Home activities: Look for the letter(s) ll (in all types of fonts)
Say words that begin with Ll
Draw pictures that begin with Ll
Sound out/blend CVC words (determine if real or silly)
lit, let, lot, lag, lug, lim

Weekly reading comprehension test: Every Friday (Based on the comprehension skill of the week)
Song we review in class: Parts of a Story song
This week's focus: Cause and Effect

High Frequency Words (HFW: Same set of words last for two weeks. These words are meant to be read just by "seeing" them)
This week's words: are, that, do

Math: Unit 8 Measurement (8.11-8.12)
Test Thursday
Students will be able to measure and decide long/short, small/big, heavy/light

Science: Coding
Students will be able to describe what coding is. 

Social Studies: Computer Science
Students will be able to describe what computer science is.

Writing: The Handwriting House
Writing Test FRIDAY
Review writing house and lines
Practice writing verb sentences
Finish the sentence frame on own
"The ______ will_______"
"The _______ can _______"
Practice pages to use at home
    Please feel free to stop by with any questions or concerns. If you are unable to, you may always email me or text back via my reminders.
Be sure to check grades online. Parents were given access to teacher grade books. I try to update my grade book every weekend.

Thank you, 
Mrs. Juarez