Tuesday, May 31, 2016

In Our Class This Week...

Only 4 more weeks of school, I can't believe it! If you have any questions regarding any of the scheduled activities please let me know. 

Scholastic book orders can always be placed online using the link to the right of the page and they will arrive quicker. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me or stop by the classroom.

We are starting our STEAM EXPO unit on Dinosaurs. I sent home a list of donations that we will need during our unit. Here is what we could use:
 Small plastic trees and ferns
 Dried chicken bones (different sizes)
 Small rocks

Brown paper bags
Elmer glue

Some important dates to keep in mind:


6/6: Permission Slips due for our Kinder Field Trip
6/10: End of the trimester
6/13: Kindergarten Field Trip to Kids Space Museum 
6/15: STEAM Expo 4-6pm at the Jurupa Site
6/16: End of the Year Awards Assembly
6/17: Donuts for Dad 7:15am
6/20: Sports/Water Day 
6/23: Kindergarten Promotion @ 2pm and Full day of school
6/24: End of the Year Party; Last Day of School and Half day

Events until the end of the school year

Permission Slips went home Friday for our June Field Trip to the Kids Space Museum in Pasadena. Please read, fill out and return as soon as you can. 

Here is a look into our new week

Language Arts:
End of the Year Assessment

Detailed sentences (who, what, where)

A Year in Review

STEAM EXPO Dinosaurs

Please feel free to email me or stop by with any questions or concerns. Students were given access to MobyMax. Please try using the online program at home. Students may do Language Arts or Math. This is an awesome individualized learning program. Also, parents still have access to our grade books. My grade book is updated on a weekly basis.

Monday, May 23, 2016

In Our Class This Week...

We are getting closer to the school year coming to an end, I can't believe it! If you have any questions regarding any of the scheduled activities please let me know. 

Scholastic book orders can always be placed online using the link to the right of the page and they will arrive quicker. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me or stop by the classroom.

We are starting our STEAM EXPO unit on Dinosaurs. I sent home a list of donations that we will need during our unit. Here is what we could us:
 Small plastic trees and ferns
 Dried chicken bones (different sizes)
 Small rocks
 Foil trays (small and large)

Some important dates to keep in mind:


5/25: Wacky Wednesday
5/26: Awards Assembly @ 8am

Events until the end of the school year

Permission Slips went home Friday for our June Field Trip to the Kids Space Museum in Pasadena. Please read, fill out and return as soon as you can. 

Here is a look into our new week

Language Arts:
Story: Unit 6 Week 3 "Building Beavers"
Detailed sentences (who, what, where)

Time- Digital and Analog Clock

STEAM EXPO Dinosaurs

Please feel free to email me or stop by with any questions or concerns. Students were given access to MobyMax. Please try using the online program at home. Students may do Language Arts or Math. This is an awesome individualized learning program. Also, parents still have access to our grade books. My grade book is updated on a weekly basis.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

In Our Class This Week...

We are getting closer to the school year coming to an end, I can't believe it! If you have any questions regarding any of the scheduled activities please let me know. 

Scholastic book orders can always be placed online using the link to the right of the page and they will arrive quicker. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me or stop by the classroom.

We are starting our STEAM EXPO unit on Dinosaurs. I sent home a list of donations that we will need during our unit. Here is what we could us:
 Small paper Dixie cups
 Small plastic trees and ferns
 Dried chicken bones (different sizes)
 Small rocks
 Foil trays (small and large)

Some important dates to keep in mind:


5/20: Progress reports sent home
5/25: Wacky Wednesday
5/26: Awards Assembly @ 8am

Events until the end of the school year

Here is a look into our new week

Language Arts:
Story: Unit 6 Week 2 "Old MacDonald had a Woodshop"
CVC reading test

Detailed sentences (who, what, where)

Fact Families

STEAM EXPO Dinosaurs

Please feel free to email me or stop by with any questions or concerns. Students were given access to MobyMax. Please try using the online program at home. Students may do Language Arts or Math. This is an awesome individualized learning program. Also, parents still have access to our grade books. My grade book is updated on a weekly basis.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

In Our Class This Week...

First, Happy Mother's Day! I hope you had a wonderful day of pampering. 

We are getting closer to the school year coming to an end, I can't believe it! If you have any questions regarding any of the scheduled activities please let me know. 

Scholastic book orders can always be placed online using the link to the right of the page and they will arrive quicker. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me or stop by the classroom.

Some important dates to keep in mind:

5/9: Wear purple in honor of a staff member and 4th grade student
5/13: Family Friday Lunch @ 11am

Events until the end of the school year

Here is a look into our new week

Language Arts:
Story: Unit 6 Week 1 "Building with Dad"
Detailed sentences (who, what, where)

End of the Year Math Final


Please feel free to email me or stop by with any questions or concerns. Students were given access to MobyMax. Please try using the online program at home. Students may do Language Arts or Math. This is an awesome individualized learning program. Also, parents still have access to our grade books. My grade book is updated on a weekly basis.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

In Our Class This Week...

We are getting closer to the school year coming to an end. If you have any questions regarding any of the scheduled activities please let me know. 
Scholastic book orders can always be placed online using the link to the right of the page and they will arrive quicker. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me or stop by the classroom.
Some important dates to keep in mind:


5/2-5/6: Book fair
5/2: Spring Pictures (free dress)
5/4: Star Wars Day (no props and masks)
5/5: Cinco de Mayo performance at 1:00 and celebration to follow
sign up list outside our classroom
5/6: School wide picture-please only REACH spirit shirts or uniforms
5/9: Wear purple in honor of a staff member and 4th grade student

Events until the end of the year:

Here is a look into our new week
Language Arts:
Story: Unit 5 Week 6 "This is the Way We Get to School"
Unit 5 final (Friday)
HFW: yellow, blue, green, what, said, was, where, come

Continue with Unit 6: personal narratives

Finish Chapter 20: Money
Students will be able to recognize penny, nickel, dime and quarter
Students will be able to add coins up to 10¢

Test Tuesday on Chapter 20: Money

Review for Math End of the Year Final


Please feel free to email me or stop by with any questions or concerns. Students were given access to MobyMax. Please try using the online program at home. Students may do Language Arts or Math. This is an awesome individualized learning program. Also, parents still have access to our grade books. My grade book is updated on a weekly basis.