Monday, March 9, 2015


Hello wonderful families!

There is a new volunteer policy at REACH that is effective immediately. In order to volunteer in the classroom you must ask for permission from the teacher prior to coming in so we can prepare materials and see if assistance is needed and the time spent in the classroom may not extend 60 minutes. If you would like to volunteer more than 60 minutes in one day your assistance will be greatly appreciated in the front office. Thank you for your understanding!

Also, REACH and our classroom is in need of volunteers for the following days and times:

1. Tinker Fair (in our classroom)

3/16 and 3/17 from 11:45am -1:00pm
This could possibly go into 3/19 and 3/20 if the kids do not finish.

2. Book Fair March 23rd-27th (in the MPR)

3/23-3/26 set-up and volunteer to run the event 8-9am and 3-4pm
3/27 clean up after

Thank you and I hope you had a great start to your week. I am so glad to be back with the kiddos!

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